
Professional Photoshootings in all languages

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Me walking outside

... In more than a few words

I'm a polyglot photographer based in Belgium.
I'm fluent in French, English, Russian and Spanish and I can then provide a high quality service to people from all over the world.

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What I Propose


The right picture at the right place

Photo Retouch

Professional retouch of all kinds of photos
Fixing of old photos


Creation of video presentations


Projects Completed


Happy Clients


Cups of Tea



My latest projects

Photoshooting of Vegan Cakes: Tasty and Colorful ! :-)

Latest news from my blog

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Avatar of the author Miirinas 15

Young Women Empowerment

So many things can be done to bring allow young women to discover their full potential.

Avatar of the author Miirinas 15

Make the right move at the right moment

Movement is the key to everything. However the timing should be perfect or could lead to disapointment.

Avatar of the author Miirinas 15

Going further or quitting

Starting something you brings at first so much freedom. You practise, practise and then hit an obstacle. This is the Dip.